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Control of complex multiagent systems: News

In a recent book chapter, we review the main achivements and challenges in the control of complex network systems. For more details, see

We studied evolutionary dynamics on networks and designed a feedback control policy to achieve fast spread:


We studied different schemes to control game-theoretic dynamics

We studied controllability of networked multi-agent systems:


Determining the positions of a set of networked agents in a distributed manner has become an important problem, as it plays an increasingly important role in multiple applications. We deal with this problem in:

  • Wu J., Zino L, Lin Z., and Rizzo A., Distributed Finite-Time Cooperative Localization for Three-Dimensional Sensor Networks, 2023 (Under Review)

  • Wu J., Zino L, Lin Z., and Rizzo A., A Barycentric Coordinates-Based Method to Solve the Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Problem, 2023 (Under Review)

Control of complex multiagent systems: Text
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